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更新日期:2022-02-19 15:09:08  来源:www.sglongjoy.com


Co-Working Office / APPAREIL. Image ? José Hevia空间心思学:室内规划怎么影响人们的行为?Psychology of Space: How Interiors Impact our Behavior?由专筑网邢子,小R编译咱们终身大部分的时刻都在室内度过,所以咱们所在的空间对咱们的心思行为起着重要作用。实际上,环境心思学或空间心思学是人与所寓居的空间之间的相互作用。照明、色彩、配备、份额、声响和资料等赋予了每个人不同的感觉,并发生了一系列的影响和实践。从发生温温暖安全感,到界说幸福感,或发明活跃有用的作业环境,空间能够对咱们的行为方法或感觉发生很大影响。因而,应根据寓居者的社会和心思需求考虑室内规划和构思。With most of our lives spent indoors, the space we occupy has a major role in our psychological behavior. Environmental psychology or Space psychology is, in fact, the interaction between people and the spaces they inhabit. Lighting, colors, configuration, scale, proportions, acoustics, and materials address the senses of the individual and generate a spectrum of feelings and practices.From inducing warmth and safety, defining well-being, or creating a positive and efficient working environment, space can have a whole lot of impact on how we act or on what we feel; therefore, design and creative measures should be considered according to the social and psychological needs of the occupants.

Kiss Kiss Bank Bank's HQ / Agence Vincent & Gloria Architectes. Image ? Arnaud Schelstraete圣地亚哥大学新校区修建与规划学院的专家教授Dave Alan Kopec以为,空间心思学实际上是“在已建成的自然环境中研讨人类的联络和行为”。经过大脑的特别部分对所在空间的几许形状做出反响,直接影响人们的潜意识,促进心情和感知。室内规划已成为人们心思的固有组成部分,虽然这不是仅有的要素,但内部空间具有严重含义,且修建师有责任为用户供给更好的规划方案,并将这些心思学要素归入其间。Psychology of space is in fact “the study of human relations and behaviors within the context of the built and natural environments” according to Dave Alan Kopec, a specialist in the field and professor at the New School of Architecture and Design in San Diego. Having a direct impact on your subconscious, contributing to your emotions and perceptions, through that special part of your brain that reacts to the geometry of the space you occupy, interior design became an inherent part of people’s psychology. Though it is not the only factor involved, interior space has big implications, and it is the architect’s responsibility to shape tangible solutions for users and incorporate these ideas into the structure.

Concrete House / BAK Arquitectos. Image ? Daniela Mac Adden在曩昔的几十年中,跟着功用规划的鼓起,空间仅是其所供给内容的反映。在这个面向消费的社会里,人们被放在“盒子“中,从事着出产、日子活动。而实际上,跟着工业革命,人们涌入了本来没有”配备“的城市,拥堵的社会雏形就开端了。惯例的住宅被规划为能够包容更多的居民,房子和作业都面向快节奏的出产,而后续就呈现了人们对空间及其背面的心思效应的使用。With the rise of functionality in the last decades, space became a mere reflection of the program it holds. People were stacked in boxes to produce and feed into a consumer-oriented society. In fact, this idea of just cramming individuals in any place started as the industrial revolution brought flux of people into non-equipped cities. The regular house plan was divided to accommodate as many newcomers as it could retain. Homes and jobs were oriented towards fast-paced-production. Usage of space and the psychological understanding behind it came later on in the future.

McAllen Main Library / MSR Design. Image ? Lara Swimmer追溯到近代,诺丁汉大学修建与修建环境系修建师兼副教授Sergio Altomonte在《独立报》上宣布了一篇文章,在讨论图书馆的新规划时指出,“修建物和城市空间首先要环绕住户进行规划。现在,修建作为影响身体、生理和心思健康的要素,讨论其重要性具有严重的含义”。Back to our modern times, in an article published in the Independent tackling the new designs of libraries, Dr. Sergio Altomonte, architect and associate professor in the department of architecture and built environment at the Nottingham university specified that “buildings and urban spaces should be designed first and foremost around their occupants. The importance of architecture as a trigger to physical, physiological and psychological wellbeing is nowadays becoming a topic of significant relevance.”

Together Hostel / Cao Pu Studio. Image ? Zhang Zheming环境心思学家和室内规划师Migette Kaup说:“修建学的逻辑能够增强咱们期望看到的特定场所类型的行为。”换句话说,修建是物理手法。修建师需求留意的关键要素包含安全性、交际联络性、活动便利性和感官影响,更详细的办法包含光线、色彩、艺术品、通风等。例如,一些比如平衡、份额、对称和节奏等规划准则能够引进调和感。另一方面,色彩背面有一个十分简略的逻辑,即色彩越暖,空间就越紧凑,一起还能够引发舒适感或促进交流。光的规划在很大程度上取决于功用,暗淡的灯火暗示着昏暗的空间,而亮堂的灯火则界说了更宽广的观感,自然光有助于出产和身体康复。“Architectural cues can provide reinforcement to the desired behaviors that we would like to see enacted in specific place types,” says environmental psychologist and interior designer Migette Kaup. In other words, architecture is the physical mean. While key factors, that architects need to pay attention to, include safety, social connectedness, ease of movement, and sensory stimulation; more concrete measures encompass light, colors, art, ventilation, etc. For example, some principles of design comprising balance, proportion, symmetry, and rhythm can introduce a sense of harmony. Colors, on the other hand, have a very simple logic behind them, the warmer the color is, the more compact space becomes. They can also evoke feelings of comfort or stimulate communication. Light depends greatly on the function. A dim light suggests a gloomy space while a bright light defines a bigger animated appearance. Natural light stimulates production and recovery.

Party Apartment / Nghiêm Phong + ?ào Thành. Image ? Quang Tran有些空间增加了人们的焦虑感,而另一些空间则让人发生了安静的感触,但人们好像并不知道其间的原因。实际上,环境心思学并非总是有特定的套路,而更多地是重视研讨人们与周围环境的相互作用。对此,马萨诸塞州米德伯勒市Massasoit社区学院的环境心思学教授Irving Weiner表明:“有一些咱们看不见或无法触及的环境,却对咱们的行为或心情有着直接影响。”实际上,这些要素并不简略被区分。While some spaces add up to your anxiety, others provoke a sense of serenity, and you can’t seem to know why. In fact, not always evidence-based, environmental psychology focuses more on research, and on people’s interactions with their surroundings. On that, Irving Weiner, AIA, an environmental psychology professor at Massasoit Community College in Middleborough, Mass states that “some of these environmental influences we cannot see or touch, yet they have a direct influence on our behavior or mood.” Bottom line, the factors are not easily discernable.

Sursock Apartment / platau. Image ? Wissam Chaaya在规划过程中假如考虑到空间心思学,能够进步商业项目的出产率,进步零售企业的销售额,并加速医疗工业的治好速度。但是,因为缺少清晰的指导方针,心思学对空间的规划转化依然不行清楚。所以,这在很大程度上取决于规划师的敏感性、发明力和对研讨的了解。康奈尔大学规划与环境分析系教授Alan Hedge表明:“问题的一部分原因是,该范畴的许多作业都需求重视心思学或行为学,而且这些也很难简略地转化为详细的规划主张。”Taken into account in the design process, space psychology can lead to better productivity in commercial projects, bigger sales in retail ventures, and accelerated recovery in healthcare developments. Nevertheless, with the absence of explicit guidelines, the translation into architecture is still unclear. It will highly depend on the designer’s sensitivity, creativity, and understanding of the research. “Part of the problem is that much of the work in the field is very psychological [or] behavioral, and it doesn’t easily translate into specific design recommendations,” says Alan Hedge, a professor at Cornell University’s Department of Design and Environmental Analysis.

House in Mantiqueira / Una Arquitetos. Image ? Nelson Kon归根到底,规划是一个十分复杂的概念,而寓居在这些空间中的人也是如此。 “修建重要吗?当然。但它能够使人们免受周围政治环境的影响吗?不。”皇家艺术学院修建学院院长Adrian Lahoud如是说。At the end of the day, design is quite complex, and so are the individuals inhabiting these spaces. “Does architecture matter? Absolutely. Can it insulate people from the political circumstances around them? No” affirms Adrian Lahoud, Dean of the school of architecture at the Royal College of Art.

Brackenbury House / Neil Dusheiko Architects. Image ? Tim Crocker



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