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更新日期:2022-01-23 02:22:07  来源:www.sglongjoy.com


DO MEN, in essence, marry their mothers, and women their fathers? And do they also choose mates by smell in a way that is likely to result in healthy offspring? 男人是不是有恋母情结,女人是不是有恋父情结?男女是否和某些动物相同,依据对方带着的能生育更健康的子孙的气味寻觅爱人?

These are both old hypotheses and both have been tested by studies published this week. Only one of them, however, seems to hold up. 这些很早的就被提出的假定总算在本周宣布的研讨中有了成果。仅仅,两个假定只要一个是建立的。

Dr Lobmaier and his team were testing the idea that people literally sniff out partners with appropriate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. Lobmaier 博士和他的团队研讨了人类怎样分辩带着有不同MHC基因的异性。

Individuals with more diverse sets of MHC genes have stronger immune systems. Mates with different MHC genes are thus likely to have healthier offspring. 带着不同的MHC基因的个别(子孙)有更好的免疫系统。所以爸爸妈妈两边具有不同MHC基因的结合倾向于生育更健康的子孙。

MHC genes also affect body odour, so it is no surprise that many species of animal choose, on the basis of odour, mates with dissimilar MHC genes. MHC基因也影响体会,所以很多种动物依据不同的体会寻觅带有不同MHC基因的爱人。

Whether people follow suit, though, is unclear. Experiments have produced equivocal results. So, to nail things down, Dr Lobmaier recruited 42 female odour donors and 94 male odour raters, all of whom gave blood samples that he analysed to determine which versions of six different MHC genes they possessed. 可是人类是否和动物相同,也依据不同的体会寻觅爱人,咱们现在是不清楚的。试验得出的数据不置可否。为了把问题弄清,Lobmaier 博士招募了42名女人作为体会供给者,94名男性作为体会分辩者。所有人都被抽血以查验他们归于六种MHC基因类型的哪一种。

Every man was asked to rate the smell of eight women, collected on a cotton pad held overnight in the armpit of the woman in question. 每个男人被要求去分辩八个女人的体会,女人的体会是用棉签在女人的腋窝取得的。

Crucially, which had not been the case in previous work, these samples were all collected at the point in the volunteers’ menstrual cycles when their fertility was at its peak. 曾经的研讨中没有的是,这些体会样本是在女人志愿者的排卵期取得的,这是本试验的要害。

Four of the eight were from women with similar MHCs to the man doing the sniffing, and four were from women with dissimilar MHCs. 关于每个男志愿者,八个供给体会的女志愿者中,四个人的MHC和他类似,四个和他的不同。

Dr DeBruine’s experiment, meanwhile, involved 150 men and 150 women, half of whom in each case had long-term lovers of the same sex. She asked participants their own eye colour, that of their lover and that of their parents. DeBruine博士的试验触及了150个男人和150个女人,两组中各有半数人的有同性的长时间爱人。

She then sorted these colours, for statistical convenience, into two groups: light (hazel, green, blue-green, blue and grey) and dark (black, dark brown and light brown). 她把这些人的眼睛色彩,为了计算便利,分为了两组,淡色(淡褐色、绿色、蓝绿色、蓝色和灰色)和深色(黑色、深褐色、浅褐色)。

Her aim was to test three conflicting hypotheses: that people are attracted to mates similar to themselves; that daughters genetically inherit preferences from mothers, and sons from fathers (so they will prefer the eye colour of the other parent); or that preferences are learned by imprinting on a parent.






For heterosexuals, however, the outcome of the second and third hypotheses would be the same. 尽管如此,关于异性恋者,第二假定和第三假定的成果是相同的。

It was by including gay men and women in her sample that Dr DeBruine thought she might be able to distinguish between them. 为了区别第二假定和第三假定之间的不同,DeBruine特意在样本中引进男同性恋和女同性恋。

A gay son, she hypothesised, would imprint on his father, and a gay daughter on her mother. 她假定,同性恋男孩们会印刻他们的父亲,同性恋女孩们会印刻她们的母亲。

And so it proved. When she crunched the numbers, she found that gay men and straight women were both twice as likely as chance would predict to have a lover with a similar eye colour to their father’s. 试验成果证明假定建立。在处理数据后,她发现同性恋男人和异性恋女人有比常人高一倍的概率愈加倾向于取得和自己父亲眼睛色彩类似的爱人。

Likewise, straight men and gay women were two and a half times as likely as chance to have lovers of a similar eye-colour to their mother’s. 相同的,异性恋男人和同性恋女人取得和母亲眼睛色彩相同的爱人的概率,是常人的2.5倍。

Though eye-colour is but one of many features that may attract romantic interest, in its particular case, that attraction seems likely to be imprinted. 尽管眼睛的色彩仅仅触及招引力的许多要素之一,在特别事例中,招引力如同取得于印刻现象。

As to Dr Lobmaier, he found that, though the men in his study expressed strong likes and dislikes concerning the odours he asked them to smell, these bore no relation to the MHCs of the women involved. On that hypothesis, then, it is back to the drawing board.

关于Dr Lobmaier博士,尽管他发现男人对不同女人的气味体现出了激烈的喜爱或讨厌,可是这些倾向和所触及女人带着的MHC基因不相关。所以,关于气味的假定,需求全部从头再来。



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